Resources and Blogs

Informative Resources

Finding meaningful resources to aid your healing journey can be daunting when facing the entirely of the what the internet has to offer - that’s why I offer my clients a wide range of useful information. Feel free to explore these complementary resources and interesting reads I have listed below and educate yourself at your convenience wherever you are.

Writing Therapy - Creative Writing Prompts

Writing therapy offers a powerful means of improving mental health and well-being by providing a safe and private outlet for expressing emotions, promoting self-reflection and insight, reducing stress, facilitating problem-solving, aiding in trauma healing, and enhancing overall psychological resilience. Its accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and versatility make it an appealing therapeutic tool that can be used independently or in conjunction with other interventions to foster personal growth and emotional healing.

Diary of a Scorpio girl – a selection of short stories

Welcome to my Diary of a Scorpio girl blog – my first passion in life has always been writing short stories, although mostly fictional I have left traces of my real-life experiences within each one of my stories. I believe stories are a great way to escape our busy lives, it’s a nice way to dive into another world and be taken on an unknown journey that only the author truly knows. May be my writings will inspire you to write your own short story. Enjoy. I have always found the best way for me to express myself has been through the art of writing. It has been my go to therapy method, has given me hours of pleasure and has allowed my creativity and imagination to take centre stage. If you enjoy reading short stories, then please do check out my blog posts.