Pam Lalria - Psychotherapist

Why do I do the work I do - it is because I know what it's like to have no one to talk to. I know what it's like to feel completely alone, misjudged, isolated, feeling like you don't belong and wanting that human connection - wanting acceptance. If I can be that person that someone can talk to, freely and with whole hearted understanding then I feel replenished in a way that's hard to describe. The value of my service is connection, human connection, giving someone the gift of space, of time, of being held in their most vulnerable moments. Showing you that you already have so much within you that you may not see, that change is possible and you can live the life you want to live. I am looking to empower you on your healing journey, reconnect you with your innate power, show you that you are capable. That you can have boundaries and still have healthy relationships, that pain is temporary and that suffering need not be the bane of your existence. What drives me forward is spreading awareness of how powerful we are as humans, how much of an impact we can have on others and ourselves and that all it takes is taking that first brave step to seek support.

My work is therefore very humbling as I support you to regain your self-confidence, manage anxiety, assert yourself effectively, and cultivate healthier communication patterns. Together, we will address the roots of people-pleasing tendencies and work on lifting the weight of persistent low mood. Whether you are ready to break free from the chains of childhood trauma, or need support with any issue you are struggling with, I am here to support you.

Imagine waking up every morning feeling like you can take on the world. How great does that feel? I qualified in 2014 and I could rabbit off a list of all my qualifications (for those who do want these, I have listed them further down) but I think what most people are looking for is understanding and connection which is where I come in, for I have always been fascinated with people.

For you see I haven’t always worked in mental health, for many years, more than I care to say, I worked in the corporate world of finance. So I have a real in-depth appreciation of how pressured that environment can be, how tiresome it can be to work in an industry you don’t want to be in and how connection with colleagues from all walks of life is so vital – as it is these very connections that can get you through the toughest of times.

It is this exact reason why I do the work I do — I offer a wide range of counselling and psychological services to guide clients through life’s challenges in their most trying of times.

Life can get difficult, and sometimes a little help from a professional Psychotherapist can make things better. I care about your well-being and provide you all the tools you need in order to seize the day and learn how to tackle even the most traumatic circumstances.

​To me the greatest gift you can give someone is your time, time dedicated purely to you, unadulterated time for you to be who you need to be, to say what you want and need to say in the way you want to say it, no judgement, no interruptions, no limitations with complete and utter positive regard and the deepest containment available.

Qualifications & Licenses

Qualified Psychotherapist (membership no. NCS22-00118)

I am an accredited member of the professional body the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society (NCPS).

I am also a member of the British Psychological Society (BPS).

Other qualifications: