About Trauma

Overview / The Impact of childhood trauma on adulthood

Do you ever feel anxious all the time and just wish you didn’t, or do you feel like you don’t know who you are or feel lost? Are you going through another period of low mood which then impacts your self-confidence? All of these could be seen as symptoms of a trauma/event that happened years ago.

This is not always the case and sometimes our struggles can be relational or situational but if you find that you’ve been repeating certain patterns of behaviours for years and you’re not sure why, or you’re not sure how to break that cycle then that’s where I could support you to live the life you actually want to live.

You can reduce the anxiety you feel, or learn how to cope with it better, you can enhance your self-esteem to the point where you have good boundaries that you can maintain without feeling guilty or that you are letting people down. A lot of the way we are and the things we do are behaviours that we think are permanent and ingrained and it can feel like it’ll always be this way for you – but it doesn’t have to be – things can be different, because these are behaviours – they are not who you are. In the same way that you learn this behaviour I can help you navigate how to unlearn these unwanted patterns of thoughts and behaviours so that the real you, the “you” you’ve always wanted to be, can come forth, rise and shine – how freeing does that sound.

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Trauma and physical health

Trauma does not only impact the mind – it has a real visceral impact on the body, probably even more so, in that repressed emotions and memories can get stored in the body, especially if these have never been processed. The body is an incredible machine, complex in so many ways, it is always talking to us but quite often we are unequipped to “hear” what the body is saying, or we ignore the signs, but the signs are always there. The body is designed to keep us safe and if it thinks something will harm us it will do everything in it’s power to protect us, which means it can encapsulate a trauma, keep in contained until we are in the right mindset to process this. Quite often we may experience unexplainable pains in the body which suddenly appear that don’t seem to have a valid physical explanation – these could be trauma related, not always, but there is a relational reasoning to why you might be experiencing this. There is now more evidence highlighting the link between autoimmune illnesses, cancers, pain related conditions and trauma and repressed emotions.

Therapies for Trauma

As a holistic childhood trauma specialist I use therapies such as neuroscience, parasympathetic activation, brain retraining, somatic therapy, mindfulness, and grounding to create something called psychological safety – as it is only when we feel safe within ourselves that we can heal.